
My Marketing Morass


I'm writing this article surrounded by my two Border Collies... Miss Molly and Beauregard Pierre Townsend Walker, a 75-pound tri-colored Border Collie. They are much smarter than me, and I often ask them for help. They just look at me as if to say, "Hey, we helped you write the last two novels, but we can't do everything."


And by the way, Beau said I didn't fully fulfill my cookie contract and he wasn't going to work anymore until I paid him 1,422 good boy cookies. (How did he sneak that in the contract?) Why in the world did I send him to law school?


When I read about marketing, my head spins around like a poltergeist. When I listen to marketing experts, they often explain in detail what you should do; using terms I do not understand. In other words, they are bad teachers. It is like a teacher trying to teach you calculus when you are just learning algebra 1. 


Marketing is big business, especially for those cashing in on the guru business side of marketing. The prices are outlandish. Everyone is always telling me they will make me a bestseller on Amazon. My head hurts after hearing all this garbage.


So what does an indie writer do?


WRITE! And write more!


1. Your goal should be to publish more than six books, and at least ten if you can do it.

If you try hard, you can sell at least 100–200 books per year, multiplied by ten. That is 1,000 to 2,000 books per year multiplied by your profit.


2. It is important to publish in all formats: paperback, e-book, and audiobook.


It's the long-haul, baby! It's called the Five-Year Plan. Most businesses take five years to show a profit.


3. Your books... must be of high quality, professionally edited, and have a well-done book cover.


4. Develop an author website. You can market yourself there for free!


5. Try all the free areas to download your book information. There are thousands.

 Most Facebook sites that claim to allow you to promote your book for free are ineffective because all the users care about is trying to sell their own books.


6. Market your book through your sphere of influence. I go and meet my friends at a local pub twice a week. While there, my friends brag about me being an author. People want to buy my book. Since I'm a retired Marine, many veterans want a copy of my book. They are amazed to actually meet the author.


7. Join groups—church groups, the VFW, the American Legion, etc.

I'm fortunate to have been selected as an ambassador for the American Military Society of Writers, where I help veterans write their stories.


8. Give copies of your book in person in exchange for a review. Tell them it is part of the deal. It is cheaper to do this than to pay for reviews. 

Remember to spend your money wisely—on good editing, good formatting, and a good cover.


If you have any questions, please contact me via my contact page on my author website. or at

Happy trails to you until we meet again.